
Internet Marketing/SEOHome » Our Solutions » Internet Marketing/SEO

LighthouseChannel Marketing | Search engine optimization,seo,keyword analysis,analytics,web syndication,corporate blogging

LighthouseChannel: Internet Marketing A Channel of Expansion and Visibility

A website without SEO is like a TV ad without a slot, this is true in real life and something that must be taken with utmost importance. With thousands of NEW websites being created every day, there comes the uncertainty of staying on the top amidst the growing competition.

LighthouseChannel services extends beyond the design and development. We do not just design and develop search friendly web applications, we also optimize, and SEO or Search Engine Optimization is our key to bring you the solution to attain the online presence and visibility you required to rank high on top search engines and drive traffic to your website, thus, getting you ready to gain more exposure, higher traffic, more sales and profit.

There are numerous methods to keep a website ranking high on search engine giants like Google, however, with consideration to ethics and to conform to the governing laws on the internet, our company SEO solutions employs only clever and approved SEO methods which are but not limited to the ff:

  • Keyword Analysis

    Find the best keywords that can drive traffic and turn the traffic into sales.

  • Content Development

    Enhance web pages with proper mixture and use of keywords properly within the text.

  • Search Engine Submissions

    Manual submission of your site to major search engines and web directories.

  • Link Building

    Get a considerable boost in ranking through our comprehensive linking strategy.

  • Visibility on Search Engines

    Make your site appear on major search engines using your targeted keywords.

  • Reporting and monitoring

    Track your campaign progress regularly, all ranking, link building, and Analytics report.

  • On page optimization

    Complete optimization of meta tags, title tags, alt tags, header, and content structure.

Our SEO team provides comprehensive reporting on the progress of your keyword rankings, site traffic, web analytics, and future recommendations on a daily, weekly, and monthly basis.

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